(0504) 31299


School Building

Our Lady’s is a modern, state of the art school designed to cater for six hundred students. During the major capital project, the school was fully refurbished and modernised. Our environment is spacious, bright a and comfortable for students and staff. The campus offer a endless opportunities for social interaction and relaxation during lunchtime/break time with wonderful recreational areas including the social area, a large courtyard, a ball wall and three ball courts. The accommodation consists of general classrooms, specialist rooms, the practical block, the science block, the canteen and sports facilities.

General Classrooms

Twenty-three well-equipped general classrooms are occupied by subject teachers and their class groups. The new extension is home to two large classrooms namely the mathematics Room and the social studies room.

Sports facilities

The school has a large gymnasium, a fitness suite, three courts, a ball wall and playing pitches.

The Ball Wall

Science Block

The impressive science block houses three fully-equipped laboratories and a demonstration room as well as two preparation rooms.


The modernised library facility is a welcoming, student friendly space. It offers students open access to a wide range of reading materials. Students can search the electronic database and take out and return books with the swipe of a finger. The library is open to all students at lunchtime each day and it is accessible for the purposes of research and independent learning throughout the school week.








Music Room

The music room is connected to the Social Area which is used as a performance space. The music department is home to an impressive array of instruments including a U series Yamaha Piano, a class set of Ukuleles, percussion and string instruments.

ICT Laboratories

The business/computer room and the multi-media laboratories are large, tastefully decorated rooms which are fully equipped with thirty new computers in each.

The DCG room is fitted with purpose designed fitted furniture and twenty-four high spec computers.


The canteen facility and new social area are two large community areas in the school where pupils eat and recreate during the school day. Students can enjoy low cost healthy meals cooked on site daily. First, second and third year students are obliged to remain on the school premises at lunch time. Students from other year groups are also welcome to use the social area/canteen at lunchtime.